Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm getting really bad at this...someone beat me with a wooden spoon!

Well, I met with the doc last Friday (although I go every 4 weeks, I haven't seen Dr. Kwon himself since he took my staples out back in August).  I only lost 1 pound this month.  :(  I'm over it, though.  I'd been using a new meal supplement program, and I've also been cheating a little (ok...a lot).  Anyway, getting in WAY too many carbs and thus slowing down the process.  So, I'm back to eating real food again.

I'm not such a big fan of eating 3 meals a day anymore.  It means a lot of pre-planning and timing and can get stressful sometimes!  Often, my stomach just isn't up for all that food at once (by "all" I mean 6-8 oz).  Over the weekend, I was able to finish my breakfast, but I couldn't finish any meal after that.  I guess it'll take time.

Dr. Kwon also told me I need to start eating fruit.  I hadn't been eating it at all.  I bought some bananas and some precut fruit salad.  Yummy!  I don't mind being told I HAVE to eat fruit. :)
I might get back into eating yogurt again.  We'll'll be good with the fruit and goes down nice and easy.  Right now, I'm eating eggs.  However, in an attempt to hype up the protein content, I seem to have put too much cheese in them. UGH!  I don't like the idea of eating eggs every day anyway.  Although I do half yolkless (can't eat egg beaters.  They REALLY mess with my stomach), I still feel as if it's not all that healthy. I like eggs with a little bacon or sausage as a treat on the weekends.

I like to do soup for breakfast, but I didn't have time to make any...well, I did make soup, but it's for dinner.  Perhaps next week I'll make soup for breakfast.  Since I'm not supposed to do "normal" breakfast foods (cereal, toast, oatmeal, etc...) I need to be creative.  Any suggestions?

The doc was very impressed with my weight loss progress.  He told me I could stop losing if I wanted to.  However, I'm still 35 pounds shy of my personal goal.  I think I'm going to keep trying for a little while longer.  I can't believe it'll be a year since my surgery next month!

I've got plastic surgery on my mind.  Part of me isn't so keen about going under the knife again so soon.  At the same time, the weight of the skin causes pain in some places.  Plus, it makes certain physical activities difficult because it gets in the way, makes noise, and messages with my balance.  Insurance most likely won't cover it anyway, so...we'll see.  I have to see if I can find a corporate sponsor. :P