Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dear Sinead, how will I look bald?

Well, it has begun. We were warned it could happen...and it is. My hair is falling out. In big clumps! When I wash my hair in the morning, I'm pretty sure I have more strands stuck between my fingers than actually remain on my head!
It doesn't seem to be noticeable to the look - at least not yet. However, I notice it when I blow dry my hair! I burned my scalp this morning, and my hair dries much quicker than it used to (which, actually, is kind of a perk!).
Tracy said that some people actually say that, when the hair loss phase ends, their hair grew in better than it was before, so that is my hope. I was already thinned on top because of my unhealthy vegetarian days. With any luck, when this side effect reverses, my shiny pate will forget it was thinned and fill right back in again. When I was younger I had GREAT thick hair. It was one of my best features. Now it's just thin and annoying.

In other news, I'm going to give a new protein supplement a try...I was told it's made with rice protein, not whey. It's from a website called The other women in my support group rave about's iced coffee! We shall see.
I'm also considering picking up a few packets of rice protein shakes at my local health food store...I'm just really nervous about spending more money on supplements. I've spent SO much money on the over the last 3 months. Not spent...wasted, or at least that's how it feels. However, even though I'm loosing, I feel as though I'm eating too much. I don't eat more than I'm supposed to, but I often eat more than I want or am comfortable with in order to ensure I get enough protein in.
Even the yogurt shakes are starting to get old (speaking of, don't try pureeing Asian pear apples to put in yogurt smoothies. It doesn't work too well. I had to chew my shake yesterday...)

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