Friday, November 13, 2009

The new black?

When I looked into my hotmail, the banner ad on the right side was for a bariatric surgery clinic.
Before seriously looking into surgery back in April, I didn't realize how popular - how widespread - bariatric surgery had become. I'd seen lap-band commercials on tv and billboards, but I guess I didn't pay enough attention. Now, though, I see it everywhere - tv, billboards, mailers, banner ads. EVERYWHERE!

I don't regret my decision, AT ALL. I absolutely believe I've made the right decision for saving my life. Saving myself from myself. However, I find myself a little concerned that this surgery is so widespread and advertised like a pair of new sneakers. What exactly does this mean? That we can be lazy about how we eat because someone with a scalpel will always be there to save us? I don't think so, because there is so much work that has to be done both pre- and post-surgery. If you don't commit to the work, you'll just end up where you were before.

Is bariatric surgery to food addicts what methadone is to heroine addicts? Perhaps. Maybe this is the only rescue for those of us trapped on a hamster wheel that we can't seem to escape.
So, then, does that mean that food addiction runs deeper through our society than we imagine?

Yeah, I know, I'm just rambling here, but it's something I've been rolling around in my head for a little while now...well...since I had surgery myself and realize just how many people have one form of bariatric surgery or another each day! Thousands of us running around with abnormal stomach structures or foreign materials in our bellies.

What I do know, is that I am very grateful that there was something out there to free me from my bondage. I had tried so many diets and groups and...other things...I had finally come to the pit of dispair, certain that I wouldn't live for too much longer.
Of course, I also know that this isn't a "cure." Every day I have to be on my guard against temptation. I have to keep working on my head as well...learning better ways to deal with things and reward myself than with food. So good...although I still REALLY want pizza!

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