Monday, October 26, 2009

Donate to the I need protein fund...

Well, I had my 3 month post-op visit on Friday. All is looking good. I've been getting a lot of compliments on how great I look and how healthy I look. It feels good.
I am officially lighter than I've been since high school! I've lost 68 pounds thus far. It's kinda hard to swallow, because a lot of people lose faster than I've been losing, but I'm trying to be ok with it. I'm just glad it's a steady loss instead of a yo-yo. Every Friday I weight myself and I'm averaging about 3 pounds a week. If I keep things up at this rate, I'll been down 100 before the end of December. WooHoo! I'll take that.

Now, as to my title...protein is, if anyone wants to help the cause, just let me know. ;)

I also need clothing, but I really don't want to buy right now. I want to buy clothes when I'm GOOD and 200. However, I can't keep going around looking like a ragamuffin either. I guess I'll have to find some good thrift shops.

I did buy underwear this weekend. I needed old stuff I'd had for almost 10 years! and you could practially see right through it.
I finally broke down and bought underwire. I HATE underwire because it's SO uncomfortable. But, when you put those girls in their place, I look like I've lost another 20 pounds! So...vanity won out over comfort. Afterall, I'm starting to feel good, so I gotta look the part. Right?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

68 lbs is awesome!! You're doing great... Stay strong and don't give up!! :)