Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Let them eat cake

Good morning, faithful readers.
Last night I tried the most DIVINE calcium supplement. It's from Bariatric Eating. It's called lemon poundcake. The morsel is a tad spungy, but it really tastes lemony and sweet and cakey! Not like a vitamin at all. The best part, it has 500mg of calcium instead of 250 like the one I've BEEN taking, so I only have to take it twice a day instead of 3 times...of course, I have to finish all the boring calcium I have now because the stuff is just too expensive to waste. However, I have something yummy to look forward to the next time I order vitamins.

People keep asking me now I'm doing...I'm great! Food poses no problem for long as it's not too dry. So far, I have not met a meat or a vegetable I cannot eat...I just don't always have room for the vegetables. Can you imagine your doctor telling you, "Don't eat your veggies?" That's the joy of bariatric surgery. Sometimes, you just don't have room for veggies. Sometimes, you do.

I actually learned last night at our meeting, that just about EVERYTHING affects how much your able to eat - hormones, weather, exercise...One day, 9 ounces may be just enough. The next, you're struggling to get in 3. Yesterday, for example, I was hurting after eating my 4 ounces of protein (I should have stopped at 3, but I'm a nazi about getting my protein in. I need to stop that) at lunch. Then, at dinner, I was afraid I had eaten too much because I went out with a friend, but I wasn't hurting at all...
So, one just never knows.

What I do know, is that I almost never eat breakfast in the morning, and I'm good with that. I have decided that I really don't care for early day solids at this stage in the game. I just drink my protein coffee and call it a morning. What stinks is that this coffee is so darn expensive! Anyone want to donate to the "I need protein" fund?

Well, I need to get moving along. Gotta head to work. I'll report back in another day or two.

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