Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm no ostrich!


W.B. page 8 # 6
Do I believe only an honest admission to myself of the reality of my condition can save me from my destructive eating?
I don't know what else to say to this but - YES. For a long time I tried to avoid the truth about my condition. I would be fine if...It wasn't until last year that I came to the heartbreaking truth - only in admitting my disease and seeking help would I ever be able to overcome it. It's been hard admitting it. Not so much in admitting it to myself, but in terms of being honest with others about it because they don't understand and sometimes don't even want to accept it.

I suppose it's like dealing with a major illness. If one has cancer or heart disease, but chooses to keep their head in the sand, not only will they never heal the disease, but they'll most likely die! And cause many others in their life to suffer as well

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