Friday, December 4, 2009

Calgon take me away...

Well, my stomach is still bothering me a bit. I'm drinking my water...I'm taking vitamin E (I read in a book that it can help keep things moving)...I'm *trying* to eat veggies (but, I admit, most often don't)...yet I still just can't seem to get things going out! At least I don't feel like I'm DYING like I did earlier this week. Oh, that was aweful!

Next weekend I'm traveling. I have to go upstate. It'll be my first trip away from home since surgery. I have to figure out what foods and snacks to bring with my to make sure I keep my protein up while I'm gone. The hardest part, for me, is when my routine is off. Even weekends are hard. I tend not to eat my first meal until 11 or 12 in the morning. If I'm eating every 3 hours, 4x a day, that means I'm eating til midnight on the weekends! Maybe I'll just drink protein shakes all weekend. That'll make life easy. :)

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