Thursday, May 20, 2010

It starts NOW, 'cause tomorrow don't exist

I didn't go back out to the convenience store this evening and get coffee and nuts.  I did get coffee from the jail, but with regular creamer instead of sweetened.
I keep talking about tightening the reigns on myself, but I don't see myself actually doing it.  Today, instead of eating the soup I brought for lunch, I stopped and picked up a soup and a wrap.  This is getting ridiculous.  Although I'm not binging or eating compulsively, I'm not happy with the way I AM eating.  It would have been so easy to say, "I'll start it tomorrow."  Actually, that had been my original idea when I decided I was going to go back out this evening and get nuts.  But, tomorrow never comes.  If I don't start NOW, I won't start.  So, I started now.  No more sweetened creamers.  No more cocoas.  No more going outside my food plan (except for the unforeseen stuff like being asked out or something of the like).  No more splurging with the wraps and such.  My dietitian said I can treat myself ONCE a week, and that's what I intend to do.  I am NOT going to gain wait.  I am NOT going to fail.  I am NOT going to stretch my stomach back out.
This time, I AM a SUCCESS!

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