Thursday, May 13, 2010

Something old, something new

Well, I've started falling back into old and bad habits...snacking more, being a little lazy in my measures and so on.  So, I'm trying something new.  A friend of mine works with a program called Silhouette Solutions, so I'm giving it a shot. 6 small meals a day - 5 supplements and 1 real meal.  Today's my first day, so I'll let you know how it goes.  So far, I'm doing ok.  I was worried that it would bother my stomach, because their supplements are made with whey - which gave me a lot of problems before.  Right now, though, I seem to be tolerating them just fine.  I'll tell you this much though - they are the BEST protein/meal replacements I've EVER tasted!
I'm also hoping they'll make life a little easier.  I'm always worried about whether or not I'll have enough time to eat or eating too fast to make meals fit into tight's frustrating at times!  Now, I won't have to worry so much about it.  Each meal is only about 1 - 1.5 ounces, so I can do that in 5-10 minutes.  Good to go!

Tomorrow I have my doc appt.  I'm a little nervous because, as I said, I haven't been 100% on track.  My scale says I haven't gained, which is good, but it also says I haven't lost.  As long as I haven't gained, I guess I'm good to go.

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