Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Eating on the run...

Well, good morning folks. I'm typing this at the ripe hour of 6:37am (Been up since 4). Today I start my "full time" work...I'm not really working full time, but it will seem like it because of the crazy hours I'll be keeping. I have two classes, and then I have my support group. I'll be leaving home about 7:30 and won't be returning until around 8:00 tonight.

So, the million dollar question is...(drum roll please)...How do I keep such long hours and still eat? And eat healthy? No longer can I sidle into a Wendy's or BK and order myself something fast and easy. Instead, I have to think about every morsel that passes these lips! Since I still don't feel hunger, I could just as easily NOT eat but that would be very unhealthy.

What I plan is this...eggbeaters for breakfast (I'm munching them right now), yogurt shake for lunch, and left overs from the weekend for dinner. However...Wednesdays and Thursdays I'll be getting home even later...9 or 9:30...will I really want to eat so late? Perhaps an early dinner will have to do?

Or maybe I just need to pray for another job with better hours...good luck with that in THIS economy!

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