Thursday, September 3, 2009

Please, sir, can I have some more?

Food is gooooood!
Ok, so, here's where we're at these days: I can have 2 real meals per day and one protein supplement. However, I just don't like the supplements! So, my dietitian relented and is letting me use yogurt smoothies as protein supplements - the catch is that whatever I flavor them with has to be no/low calorie...that means NO FRUIT! I can have up to 6 ounces of food at a time. However, that hurts my tummy, so I'm sticking with only 3-4 oz. The first 3 are my protein. If there's room left, I have a bite or two of e veggie.

I'm feeling pretty good. Although the dietitian said only 1 supplement, I've been doing 2. I think I need more protein than 75 grams. We'll find out tomorrow when I weigh myself. If I haven't lost, I'll drop down to 1 and see if I loose then. If I do, then I'll know I was eating too much.

I've gotten back into walking (once life started getting complicated last week I sorta stopped doing things to take care of myself). I'm doing 2 miles on the treadmill. My goal is to get up to 3 miles and then start working on an incline. I know it takes time, but I believe I'll get there.

No more pain in the tummy, unless I eat too much. No more nausea and very little gagging anymore. I pretty much know what to stay away from at this point, which is good. I'm making sure walking is the first thing I do each day, so I'm sure to get it in. Drinking the yogurt (I add a little water to make it a smoothie) actually helps with this crazy life I'm leading because a lot of time I'm not around long enough to eat a solid meal. How often do you have half an hour a day to sit and eat?

That's about all the news that's fit to print at the moment.

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