Monday, September 28, 2009

Sorry for my absense

Sorry it's been so long since I've journalled. We just moved, and I didn't have access to the Internet - or the time for the Internet! We just finally got everything unpacked. The only thing left to do is hang the pictures and put the dining room table together. Maybe I'll work on those tomorrow...

Now the important bariatric surgery journey...
Well, I went to the doc on Friday. I am officially down 54.5 pounds since I first saw them April 22nd. This means I'm down 29.5 pounds since the surgery...that comes out to almost 3 pounds a week since my surgery. Not what I had hoped, but they seem to be ok with it at the office, so I guess I can't complain.
I really expected the weight to melt off...somewhere between 5-10 pounds a week or something. That isn't happening. Honestly, it's hard work. I have to make sure I'm eating enough protein, watch my portion sizes, make sure I'm exercising...
I just try to do my best.

I tried protein supplements again. I wanted to see if I could hack them now. The answer to that is NOPE. I had a shooter at 6:00 in the morning last Thursday and my stomach was tossing and turning ALL DAY LONG! My allergist said I probably have an intolerance to whey. So my aunt is sending some rice protein for me to try...I didn't even know rice HAD protein! I'm also interested in trying soy protein, but I'm not ready to go throwing money at another experiment just yet.

That's about all there is at the moment. Things are going fairly well - the worst of it seems to be over. I did discover that I have to be careful about eating dry food - like over cooked meat. If my food is too dry it gets stuck and comes right back up! YIKES!

Ok, my friends. Time to go on the job hunt for a few. I hope all is well, and I'll try to be a bit more regular now that I'm back online.

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