Friday, October 16, 2009

Beware: food additcts in the kitchen

Good evening all. I waiting for a friend to call back, so I figured I'd bug you.

Well, I'm starting a Pampered Chef business. WHAT? YOU CAN'T EAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH AN INSANE THING??? Because...even bariatric patients need to eat! Besides, my husband still likes to eat. And, on top of that, I just love to cook and want to share my passion with others. So...if you need a frying pan or paring knife, let me know.

Food's going well. I just ordered some new vitamins (yay) and with them I ordered a few bariatric friendly snacks. I'm getting tired of eating the same things all the time. I'm ready for some change! We'll see if the CHANGE agrees with my stomach! In the meantime...I still need to figure out what's on the menu for next week. If I was brave, I'd try some fish...but I'm afraid I won't like the fish...
I know...I'm a wimp. What can I say?

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