Thursday, October 8, 2009

Death by mastication

It seems that I chew too much.
When I was at my support group meeting on Tuesday, I explained that I was worried I was stretching out my pouch because I never feel anything. I don't feel stretching or pressure or anything when I eat. The dietitian asked me what consistency my food is when I eat it. I told her it's solid, medium sized bites, but I chew it to death, and then chew it some more because I don't want to get stuck. She told me I'm chewing too much, thus by the time I swallow, my food is closer to a liquid than a solid so it just glides right on past my stomach and into my intestine.
So...I have to chew less. I also need to eat a little faster. Instead of taking 30 minutes to eat, I need to take 20. Take small bites, eating semi-constantly as opposed to taking long pauses between bites to stretch the meal out.

Life gets more and more interesting each passing week. :)

Did I tell you I'm down to a size 22? The biggest I've ever been is a 32. At the time of my surgery, I was waffling between 26 and 28. Now I'm down to a 22. WooHoo! I can't wait to get down into the teens. I haven't been smaller than a 22 since I was about 16 years old. One of these days I hope to get pictures posted, but I don't know how to change the picture sizes on my computer! They're all too big. :(

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