Monday, October 5, 2009

I am NOT what I eat..(damn! I laid an egg!)

Well, up until now my diet has consisted of chicken, chicken, and, yes, more chicken. Why, you might ask? Because 1. it's what I craved for quite a while. 2. it went down easy and 3. it was just easy to make.
How and ever...I got REALLY sick of chicken and needed a break. So...this week...I made a nice pork tenderloin (I say nice because I actually cooked it right and it came out nice and tender), a turkey taco soup that's quite yummy, and turkey meatballs with stroganoff sauce. Yummy! I actually just finished a bowl of the soup, and it really it the spot.

Lately, I've been feeling pretty good. It kind of amazes me that, less than two months ago, I was feeling pretty awful. Now, it's almost as though nothing happened...except that I eat differently, chew differently, eat less, and don't drink with food. Oh, and eat with baby silverware.
Other than that...nothing's really changed. :)

Exercise is posing a problem these days. It's been 2 weeks since we've moved, and I just can't get my butt outta bed in the morning. So, today, I walked when I got home from work. I only made it half an hour, but it was a good work out. The road we live on is all hills (the first one is a REAL killer), so I just went up and down, up and down for the whole half hour. Better than the treadmill.

Guess what? If you need kitchen supplies LET ME KNOW! I've decided to start my own Pampered Chef business. I'm SO excited. It's something I've wanted to do for YEARS and never done. I know, you're probably thinking, "what is the bariatric patient doing giving cooking shows?" Hey just because I can't EAT everything doesn't mean I can't have fun cooking. Besides, I absolutely LOVE Pampered Chef products and am totally stoked about moving them. So, line right up and place your orders!

My order from came in today. I'm looking forward to trying the coffee tomorrow (I have to wait until tomorrow because there's caffeine in it). Hopefully it'll be as good as everyone says it is, and I'll have FINALLY found a protein drink I can tolerate.

Well, folks, it's time for me to start getting ready for tomorrow. Hope all is well. I'll report in again soon.

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