Friday, October 30, 2009

Hmmm...can't think of a catchy title for today...

I'm finally starting to feel hunger again. I have to say, I didn't miss that feeling AT ALL! It was so nice to just not have to worry, not think about food or be distracted by it or, worst of all, worry about feeling the need to eat. Lack of hunger created such a freedom from food that I have never had before. Having that feeling back is almost depressing...

And when I feel hungry, it comes on like a raging furnace! There's not "oh, I'm feeling a bit peckish." Instead it's "I'm hungry, bitch, feed me NOW!" When this feeling comes on, it's very difficult to eat slowly or looking at my measly little plate of food and believe that it is going to be enough to tame the lion that is my hunger.

The one thing I have learned, though, is that it's all about timing. I can comfortably go 3 hours without food. Often, I can stretch that to 4 hours. However, my best bet, to keep from feeling hunger, is to eat every 3 to 3.5 hours. So, I try to plan my meals for that, although it doesn't always work. Life, of course, continues to happen regardless of my needs.

This morning, for example, I completely forgot to drink breakfast. I didn't even think about food all morning until, at 10:30, the lion woke up and started roaring for food. FORTUNATELY, that was the same time my class ended, so I was able to consider eating. Unfortunately, I still had to do my 30 minute waiting period after drinking. I guess this is why it will always be important to keep some kind of protein supplementations on hand - both liquid and solid.

I have to say, though. I am still glad I had this surgery. Yeah, it means all kinds of life changes, but this is on of the reasons why I am NOT afraid to tell people. I need to eat when I need to eat. I need to eat WHAT I need to eat. I need to take my vitamins when I need to take my vitamins. Therefore, if someone has a problem with my habits, I tell them outright: I had surgery. I can't just do whatever I want whenever I want with food, so let me do my thing! Most people are very cool about it once I explain myself. Many are accomodating. Many are curious. It often creates interesting conversation. I don't think I've meet a negative reation yet.
I take that back...I did have a vist with a physicians assistant who told me she didn't agree with the surgery. Personally, I felt her attitude was unprofessional...especially since she expressed it to me the first time I was in her office, and I was less than a month post-op and still a little fragile!

Ok, I gotsa work! More late.

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