Monday, October 12, 2009

If you could only see me now!

Hello, faithful readers!
I chose that title because I really do want to show pictures of my progress. How and ever (as a friend would say), I can't figure out how to make them small enough to fit. My little photo editor program won't work with me. Artists!

In any case, I'll let you know that things are going exceedingly well! This week makes 3 months since surgery. I am doing much better than I ever thought I would. That first month or two were hard, but in reality, the only problem was whey. Currently, have difficulty with very little - as long as I steer clear of whey or anything with a high fat content (I learned that the hard way. Turns out, dumping syndrome isn't always immediate. I at some nuts in the afternoon and had a very bad evening...).

I've been doing a lot of cooking for myself - usually at least one type of soup and then 2 other things. These last me through the week. Sometimes I'll add a veggie, sometimes not. I love soup, probably because it goes down so easily. The dietitian, though, said to drink the broth first THEN chew the chunks. Otherwise, the broth will just wash the food through, and I'll be hungry sooner. Right now this isn't a problem as I don't feel hunger still but down the road, it will be.

I have learned something new this weekend. I need to keep myself busy. As long as I'm busy, I'm fine. However, as soon as I have nothing to do, my thoughts turn to food. It's amazing how quickly it happens! However, now I know, and knowing (as GI Joe used to say) is half the battle. The other half (although he never told us this) is doing something with that knowledge. One thing I've chosen to do is drink. When head hunger kicks in, I'll make some tea or crystal light. This way, I'm still getting my liquids, my mouth feels like something's going on, but I'm not adding excess calories to my life. The next thing I need to do is find something to occupy me. I've gotten back into my cross stitch, work on the computer, write lesson plans, look for a job or go for a walk.

Oops! I gotta run. The oven's beeping at me!

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