Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I had another official weigh in today. I've lost 122.5 pounds. Woohoo! Another 2.5 pounds and I'll be 200...when I reach 199 I'm gonna have a party. :) I can't wait.

I found out today that I've been drinking too much coffee. :( We have to limit coffee intake because of it's propensity to cause ulcers. I've been keeping my intake at one cup a day...one 20 ounce cup, that is. The NP told me it should be closer to an 8 or 10 ounce cup. OOPS!

I'm trying to bring yogurt back into my diet. I've always loved yogurt but got sick of it after it became my staple for the first 3 or 4 months post-op. Not to mention, we're supposed to be eating plain Greek yogurt - plain because there's not sugar and Greek because it's much higher in protein. It certainly is NOT as tasty as many of the other yogurts out there, and it's VERY thick. But, I'm doing my best. Adding fresh fruit and a little Fiber One. We'll see how that goes.

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