Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sweets for my sweetie

Last night, I desperately wanted something sweet! After I'd eaten my dinner I just really wanted something sweet, but I knew I wouldn't have room for it. About an hour later, I still wanted something, so I tried to think I about what I could have. I do have some chocolate in the house that I picked up yesterday, but I didn't want that. I'm saving that for my once a week treat, I didn't want my treat to be yesterday. Finally I settled on a clemintine. It's small, so I might have been able to fit it in my stomach, and they're very sweet, so I'd hoped it would stop my craving. However, as I lay there watching tv, I thought to myself, "but I don't NEED it. I've eaten enough for today and I'm not even hungry." So, I allowed myself to just live with the craving.

For me, that's HUGE. In the past, if I craved something, I HAD to feed the craving. I couldn't live with it. It would just get worse and worse until I was certain I was going to go mad. Plus, it was always like there was a child inside my head throwing a temper tantrum, "I want it and I want it NOW!"

This morning, the craving is gone. I'm eating a regular breakfast and I haven't gone mad because I didn't eat something sweet last night.

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