Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feed Me, Seymore!

I don't like feeling hunger! The problem is, there's no warning. It just sneaks right up on me. One minute I'm fine, the next minute I'm STARVING! At my support group meeting last night they said I need to keep more snacks on hand. I've never done that before because 1. I never needed them and 2. I'm afraid of eating too many calories throughout the day. 3. I'm supposed to stop drinking 30 minutes before eating. If I have no warning of hunger, how am I supposed to stop drinking? Finally, what am I going to carry as a snack? I can't eat most protein supplements. Nuts make me dump. They don't want us eating protein bars because they have too many carbs, although I do have one that I use once or twice a week because I just have no choice. I guess I'll have to start carrying fruit around or something. Vegetables do nothing for me. They don't fill me up AT ALL, so having them around as a snack won't help.

Anyone out there have any ideas??? I'm stumped. I'd say boiled eggs, but they don't want us eating more than an egg a day...although one egg for a snack in the afternoon might work out well. I don't know...

Today, hunger set in at 3:00. Problem was, I can't eat dinner until about 5:15! FORTUNATELY, I didn't finish my breakfast this morning. I had about 4 bites of egg left in my bag so I scarfed them down quickly.

I really don't want to get into the habit of snacking. Technically, we're only supposed to eat 3 meals and one small snack per day. I just need to find something I can carry around, without it going bad, just in case. One person recommended jerky (I was going to get venison jerky at the state fair this summer but the booth wasn't there. :( ). I guess I'll have to swing by the grocery store on the way home tonight and see if I can find anything for tomorrow.

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