Saturday, November 21, 2009

And the winner is...

Me! :)

Wanna hear something funny? We get these "personnel bulletins" on a regular basis through work e-mail. This morning, I opened my e-mail and the bulletin was "is weight loss surgery right for you?" I would have to say, YES!

I had my doc appointment yesterday. They're very happy with my progress. I'm down 82 5 months, I lost more than I did in 2 years of Weight Watchers. WOW! And this time, I'm keeping it off! I'm working very hard to follow all the rules and directions and only eating what I should be eating when I should be eating it. Right now, I'm having a yummy protein shake. I kinda like drinking my breakfast. It's actually more relaxing that eating.

Healthwise, I feel awesome. The dietitian went over my blood work with my yesterday and everything was pretty much normal...things that were low or high pre-surgery are perfect now. I just have to work on my good cholesterol. So, when I go shopping today, I have to buy ground flax seed. She said regular exercise will help too.

That's the one area I've been lacking in since we moved. I got a treadmill for the house from a friend, but it's very old and doesn't quite support my weight yet, so I don't like it. Although many mornings I'm awake by six, I just can't convince myself to get out of bed. :( Mornings before work are my best time to exercise.

So, I've made a goal for myself. I'm next appointment is 4 weeks away. I'm 18 pounds from losing 100 pounds. This last month I lost 14 pounds. Therefore, if I keep my protein up and add exercise, I bet I can lose 18 pounds in 4 weeks. So, hitting the 100 pound mark will be my motivation to get my ass out of bed in the morning!

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