Monday, November 30, 2009


I'm not sure what was going on, but last night was a tough night! I was jonesing for food even though I wasn't even hungry. Not only was I not hungry, I was stuffed...full! I had not room at the in, so to speak!

We celebrated my in-law's anniversary yesterday. We went out to lunch. I ordered a steak and then cut it up over a small salad. Before that, I had some chicken broth (the place we went has the best chicken soup EVER!). Well, everyone else ate WAY faster than I can eat. So, everyone was done eating, and I wasn't even half way through. Therefore, I started eating faster, because I didn't want everyone waiting for stomach hurt so much by the time I was done! I won't do THAT again.

Then, in the evening, I still had to eat, but my stomach still hurt. I made a little taco salad for myself and forced it down...
Yet, when I was done, and although I was totally uncomfortable, I was still craving food! It made absolutely no sense to me. I'm not sure where my head was at, but I made some tea and called it a night.

I don't think I want to eat out anymore. It's too hard. First, without measuring, I often seem to eat too much. Even though I try to take my time, I still somehow always am uncomfortable by the time the meal is over. Second, like with what happened yesterday, everyone always finishes way before I can. I think, from now on, I'll just have a drink and enjoy the company or bring a little snack with me to much while everyone else has their meal. It's totally not worth the discomfort.

Since Thursday, I've been craving apple pie. There was an apple pie (store bought) on our Thanksgiving table and it smelled so good! I've been craving it ever since. So, this afternoon, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some apples, splenda brown sugar, and walnuts. Then I found an apple crisp recipe and played with it...
I cut up 4 apples. Tossed in a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon each of minced cloves and nutmeg, a tablespoon of vanilla, and about 1/4 cup of splenda. For the topping I mixed the chopped walnuts and 1/4 cup each of splenda granulated and splenda brown sugar and sprinkled it over the top. Then I topped it with a few thin slices of butter (but I don't think I needed the butter, it didn't seem to make any difference). I baked it in the oven for 40 minutes and it came out GREAT! It's just a little too sweet, so I'll cut down on the splenda next time. I can't wait to have dessert tonight! That is, of course, if I have room for dessert.

I don't often treat myself to something that's not protein, but I'm getting bored with my protein snacks, so I thought it would be nice to treat myself. It's a semi-healthy snack, and I plan to only eat small amounts at a time. We'll see how it works out.

Well, time to run. I have to finish preparing dinner. We have guests coming over tonight!

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