Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spy vs. Spy

I've been checking out some other blogs. Mine seriously SUCKS! I need to find time to get more technically and picturey and stuff! Add links. Whathaveyou. Sometime...when I'm rich and famous and don't have to work hard to put food on the table (mostly for my hubby since I don't eat much these days).

The last few days food has not been my friend. This morning I was sick, sick, sick. I didn't want to go to work, but I somehow managed to make it in. I don't know what made my sick as I haven't really changed my diet any. The only thing I did was try a new protien shake, but I don't think that's what sent my stomach to hell-o and back. (The shake is pretty nasty. It's like drinking lightly sweetened sand, but it doesn't mess with my stomach, so I'm trying to convince myself to like it)

I drank most of my shake for breakfast this morning. For lunch, I had lunch meat rolled in swiss cheese. Not the healthiest, I know, but it's easy finger food when driving. I had some veggies packed as well, but just no room for them. For dinner, I've planned a salad with chicken and olives. We'll see if I can get all that down. For my evening snack, I've ordered some new chip flavors, so I'm going to try those.

The most difficult part about this surgery, so far, is really being able to 1. supplement. As you know, supplements and I have had a continuing struggle with each other, and 2. packing healthy things for they day. I'm ALWAYS on the run - often leaving my house at 7:30 in the morning and not returning until 8 or 9:30 at night. I'm finding it hard to pack great meals to eat on the run. I keep looking, though.

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