Friday, November 27, 2009

I have survived!

Well, folks, I DID IT!! I made it through my first post-surgery holiday. WOOHOO!!! I had dinner with my in laws. My mother-in-law made turkey (of course), stuffing (hers is the BEST I've ever had!), collared greens, macaroni and cheese (sooooo creamy), candied yams, and rice. For dessert we had apple pie, banana bread, and cake. Great stuff!

I was tempted for a minute by the mac n cheese. I thought to myself, "I'll just taste one noodle." But I didn't let myself do it. I was too afraid that one noodle would lead to a plateful. I just had a little turkey (I had no scale, so I had to guess at what 3 ounces would be on my plate) and a few bites of collared greens (mostly because my husband is very concerned that I'm not eating veggies...usually, I just don't have the room for them).

I was very satisfied with what I had. I didn't even notice the stuffing on the table. I didn't miss it or the corn or the mashed potatoes or even the mac n cheese, once I got started. It was so nice! I didn't stuff myself. I ate nice and slow, enjoying the company and the food that was on my plate.

Once it was time for dessert, I admit, the pie was killing me. It smelled SOOOOO great, but I tried to just enjoy the smell and not think about what I was missing. Instead, I made myself a cup of sweet tea (with artificial sweetener, of course). Later, I had some protein chips because I found I wasn't really in the mood for anything sweet.

So, I'm excited to say, getting through Thanksgiving was far easier than I expected it to be. It seems that, the further I get from my "drug" foods, the easier it is to turn them down. It's been over 5 months since I've eaten like that, and now my head is much clearer. I no longer feel the physical draw to eat these things like before. In the past, food called my every cell. When I smelled something, I HAD to eat it. I didn't have the will to make a choice. Now, I have a choice...the freedom is really amazing.

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