Sunday, January 17, 2010

Food, glorious food!

Yeah, I'm working on that as my mantra as well. In Weight Watchers they'd say nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I always hated it! If nothing tasted as good as thin felt, then I never would have gotten fat! However, nothing does taste as good as abstinence's easy to forget that, but when I remember it, I know it's so true.

Are there any particular foods or eating behaviors which give me trouble?

Most certainly! Sugar and wheat I know cause real problems for me. Once I start in on them, I can never get enough. It becomes a snowballing obsession, and I only want more and more until they literally become my entire diet. I can't even make rational decisions about them. When confronted with a cake or a pizza, my mind becomes cloudy, and I find it very difficult to make a good decision about whether or not to eat them. This is why, if I know I'm going to be confronted with these kinds of foods, I make my decision BEFORE the confrontation happens. Often, that helps. It's even better if I tell someone my decision, because then they can remind me if I prepare to cave in.

I think other starchy foods such as potatoes and rice might be problematic as well, but I'm not 100% sure. I know they turn to sugar in the body, but I don't know how I would react to them now that I am clean of sugar and wheat. I haven't tried them and I have no intention of trying them any time soon. Once I reach my goal weight and the doc says I can start integrating them into my diet, I'll slowly give them a shot and see what happens...maybe.

What I do know is that, the diet I have now which is predominately meat, protein supplements, fruits, vegetables, and dairy, seems to be working well for me. My obsessive food thoughts are less. I am able to eat my serving and be satisfied, and I am often able to turn down the compulsion to eat when I am not hungry.

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