Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do you smell that?

Smells are driving me CRAZY! If I didn't know better, I'd think I was pregnant. Oh, my gosh!! I feel so sorry for pregnant woman...nine months of never knowing what's going to make you puke just by the way it smells??? The fun part is, I seem to be smelling things no one else does! A friend came over last night and I could SWEAR I smelled onions, and it was really making my stomach do cartwheels. She said she couldn't smell anything.

This morning...I don't know what it is that I smell, but it just is turning my stomach inside out! UGH!!

I finally ate some soup last night. I know I said I was going to swear off soup for a while, but it was the only thing I could bring myself to eat. I thought I was feeling better, but then, after I ate, I was nauseaus all over again. I went to bed feeling like crap. This morning...I still feel like crap. Fortunately, I see the doctor this morning, so we'll see where that leads. In the meantime, I know I should try to eat something, but I'm afraid...

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