Saturday, August 15, 2009

No food for you!

I have to admit, part of me is really beginning to like not worrying about food. When I saw the nurse on Monday she told me to drink 3 shooters a day and not worry about eating so much (before that, I'd been working hard to get in 3 meals a day to get all my protein). Since I'm getting 75 grams of protein a day through my shooters, I only need to eat a minimum of 5 grams of protein. I've basically been eating only one meal a day all week.

It's rather liberating. I still have "head hunger" - that's where the head wants food but the stomach isn't really hungry. But most of the stuff I'm head-hungery for, I can't eat. I've reduced my menue to whipped yogurt with pureed fruit and scrambled eggs with cheese. After a while, the menu just gets boring and redundant. I really could care less about food right now and that takes away so much anxiety! I know I can't live like this forever, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

And, no, right now, I don't get hungery at all. I do have to eat one meal a day otherwise I get nauseaus. Other than that, I feel no hungery whatsoever. I miss food, I crave food, but I am not hungery.

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