Saturday, August 22, 2009

Excuse me, sir, can I buy a magazine rack for all my issues?

Well, it's been a rough couple of days. Suddenly, I can't keep anything down. It's par for the course, I know, but it works on the mind anyway. Yesterday I got up nice and early, so I could get ready for work and fix some protein supplements and so on. Well, I ended up gagging the whole way to work. It was very unnerving. I considered not going to work, but I made it through the morning. Suddenly, now, the protein powder and my stomach just don't want to get along (I'm trying to force my way through some mixed with hot tea right now, but I don't know if I'm going to make it). The problem is, I don't have many options left.

Yesterday afternoon I bought some isopure. It's a protein drink that looks kind of like juice or koolaid. I don't really care for it either because it's very dry and scrapes along your tongue like the fuzz on a peace. However, I'm mixing it with crystal light in hopes that will make it a little better.

I don't know how anyone uses this stuff willingly! I mean...all this supplementation is a HUGE business (just step into your local Vitamin Shoppe or GNC and you'll see what I'm talking about). Yet most of the stuff - at least that I've experienced thus far - is not pleasant. I haven't yet come across a supplement that made me say, "Why, that's just plain good stuff! I'd take that over a hunk of chocolate cake any day!"

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm really digging your titles for all your entries.. Very clever.. Don't give up Heather!!!