Thursday, August 6, 2009

Either or

I had a bit of a revelation last night. I was laying in bed, snuggled up to my husband. Lights were out, he was trying to fall asleep. I wasn't tired, not by a long shot. I thought about rolling over, popping on the light, and reading my book. However, when faced with the choice between reading to aleviate bordom or staying cuddled up to my hubby, I decided to stay cuddled up. Cuddling was a better feeling than reading.

I realized that in terms of giving up food, I need to think the same way. What in my life would be more comfortable, more interesting, more ENTICING than food? If I had to choose between, say, hanging out with my husband or eating a pizza, what would I chose? What about between pizza and dance? Pizza and martial arts? Pizza and...? I need to find things that I'm will to chose over food in an uncomfortable situation.
Any suggestions?

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