Sunday, March 14, 2010

Me No Likey Sugar Nomore

I had an interesting experience with sugar yesterday.  I ordered a flavored coffee that turned out to be flavored with syrup, came mounded with whipped cream and drizzled with caramel.  Sounds divine, right?  Well, I scooped off at least half of the cream and attempted to drink the coffee.  I didn't even make it half way through!  It was so sweet I couldn't stand it - it didn't even taste good.  My stomach was doing turnovers!
This morning, I baked a cake for my husband.  It smells wonderful.  At the same time, the thought of taking even one bite makes my stomach churn...

I guess I've been off sugar long enough that my body no longer feels friendly toward it.  This is a good thing.  It'll make it that much easier to resist temptation.  Earlier in the week I tried high protein cookies.  They also had a high sugar content (20-something).  One bite, and I tossed them away.  I'm glad they weren't that expensive!

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