Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just ramblings

It's been awhile since I've written anything. Honestly...it's laziness. I have to use a different e-mail to log into the blog, which means I have to sign out of my other e-mail, and I'm just too lazy to do that. Isn't that sad? Well, I'm here now...

It's been a rough couple of weeks. I seem to have hit a plateau. It's kind of a bummer, but I'm dealing with it. Honestly, I'm hoping to get to my goal weight by the first anniversary of my surgery date. I know that's asking a lot, but I also know it's not impossible. It does require that I follow every rule and instruction of the dietitian, though. Over the last 2 weeks, I haven't been QUITE as faithful as I could have been, and I've seen the results on the scale. Also, I'm less than faithful with regular exercise. Every day I intend to correct that and every day something "comes up." I made it to the gym today though! I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill workin' it!

Food has been tough lately. It seems to be calling me from all kinds of directions. I miss frosting terribly! And there's ALWAYS cake in the house because my husband loves cake. I also am missing fast food. Today I started showing "Supersize Me" in one of my classes and the beginning where they show all the food KILLED me! I literally started salivating. :(

I've also increased my portion sizes. There's nothing wrong with this. We're allowed up to 9 ounces per meal. It's just that, after so many months of only eating 4-6 ounces per meal, 9 seems like a lot! Usually, though, I only eat 9 if I'm having yogurt - which I water down with milk (I eat the Greek yogurt which is WAY to thick for me) or if I'm eating soup. With the soup, it doesn't really "count" as 9 because I'm only supposed to count the solids, but mentally I'm looking at the broth too.

I'm also trying to finally add some veggies and fruits. For breakfast, I'm cutting a little fruit into my yogurt. At lunch, I eat soup a lot, but make sure it has some veggies in it. This week I'm eating homemade cheddar broccoli soup. Yum! Dinner, I don't always get veggies in because it's generally late and I don't feel like eating much.

That's where things stand right now...I'm still waiting for the scale to show the magic number 199...I can't wait!!

Oh...one more thing...like I said, in one of my classes we just started watching "Supersize Me." He starts off by talking about those 2 girls that sued McDonald's for making them fat. Personally, I think that is just ABSURD! Everyone knows fast food is bad for you! McDonald's did not FORCE the girls to eat their food...and yet the judge went along with it saying if they could prove intent on the part of McDonald's. What do you think...?

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