Saturday, March 20, 2010

Short food reflection...

I was on another bus trip with my husband today.  I was thinking about all the food I didn't eat.  I had some nuts for breakfast, a salad with chicken for lunch and some soup for a snack (strange snack, I know).  In the old days, when we stopped at Burger King, I would have had a breakfast sandwich, large hash browns and french toast sticks.  For lunch, I probably would have had a big deli sandwich and chips.  Then we stopped at a rest stop on the way home.  Instead of just having soup, I would have ordered a large sub and chips or gone over to Burger King again.  Wow!

BK was interesting this morning.  They have the calorie count on everything now.  Some of those breakfast meals were over 1200 calories...that's my entire intake for the DAY!

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