Monday, March 8, 2010

Winds of Change

One thing they warned us about pre-surgery, was the fact that, one day you can eat a food, and the next day, you can't.  Well, that sure happened to me last night!  I've been eating sugar-free chocolate now since the beginning of January.  Not all the time - a couple times a month when I need a treat that is not protein related.  Last night, I decided to have just such a treat.  Man!  Did I regret it!  I felt SOOOOO sick afterward!  And I didn't have that much, but I was nauseous and my stomach hurt.  I just wanted to die.  So, I guess no more chocolate for me for awhile.

On the other hand, I tried a new protein bar.  It has whey protein in it, which was making me sick for several months post-op.  I haven't had whey in at least 4 months, so I decided I'd give it a shot.  I tried a bar on Sat and again on Sun.  So's been ok.  I don't plan on eating them every day, but I thought they'd be a nice break to my protein chips.  I'll keep you posted...

I'm trying to get into a regular exercise routine.  My husband and I have started Karate, so I'm doing that twice a week.  The other 5 days I'm trying to get to the gym and do some heavy walking and core training.  It's not always easy to get myself there, but once I'm there and in the thick of things, I'm glad I went.  The mind just doesn't want to work hard, ya know?

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