Friday, July 17, 2009

First Day Home

Well, hello world! I just had weight loss surgery and decided it might be fun to share my journey in blog form. I know there might be a million of these out there, but I figure one more can't hurt.

I had gastric bypass surgry on Wednesday. I just got home from the hospital this morning. At the time I started my weight loss surgery journey, I weighed 312 pounds. By the morning of my surgery, I was down to 287 thanks to a month of wonderfully yummy protein shake meals.

My biggest worry up until the surgery was that my liver still would be too big to perform the surgery. Surprisingly, though, surgery-day, I had no worries whatsoever. I felt very confident going in and confident coming out (once I was assured my liver HADN'T been too big and, yes, the doc had done the work).

Now I get to spent the next 5 days sipping 3 ounces of clear liquid an hour. WOOHOO! Those of you who've been there, know where I'm coming from.

We'll see where things go from here...

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