Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good morning

Well, I made it through my first day of food. Frustratingly enough, I still didn't get enough protein in. It's supposed to be somewhere between 60-80 grams. I'm holding steady at about 50. Even to get that many I still need to supplement with some kind of protein. I've been trying these shooters that the nurse recommended - they look like koolaid in giant test tubes. I'm pretty sure I mentioned them yesterday. Anyway, they're sickeningly sweet, but I guess gagging my way through them is better than trying to choke down a shake (I did choke down a shake yesterday and the whole rest of the day I had that upset stomach feeling like I ate too much dairy).

Getting my 64 ounces of liquid in is also getting tougher. Nothing agrees with me. I don't like sweet, yet plain water makes me gag as well. I'm trying iced tea and it's not helping much either. I'm beginning to wonder if the doc operated on my tastebuds too! I can almost tolerate watered down apple juice...but that's just taking in empty caleries all day. I suppose it's not TOO bad because I'm using the light apple juice, but still. Anyone got any great, sugar free, beverage ideas?

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