Monday, July 20, 2009

The Joys of Protein

Good Monday morning to anyone paying attenetion. Nausea has been the order of the day for the last two days. Can we say FUN??? I've been given permission to start on my protein shakes. Perhaps I'm just hungery my doc said. Well, let's see...the last time I ate or drank anything with caloric content was last Tuesday...what do you think?

Yesterday I sampled some chocolate protein shake - too thick, said Goldilocks. Then I had some chicken broth - just right, she said. This morning, I'm trying the shake again and it's going down ok. The only other choice is diluted apple juice, but I'm afraid of the sugar (never thought I'd hear myself say that!).

So...6 days post surgery what are my thoughts? Well...pain sucks (it does, I'm sorry). Nausea sucks as well. I'm ready to start feeling stellar. When does that happen?

The bad dreams have started to dissipate - now they're just strange. I haven't taken pain meds since Saturday so maybe that's why. Last night, though, I dreamed I ate chocolate cream pie...not a real one. It was one of those things you buy in the package at the store.

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