Tuesday, July 28, 2009

o/~ Food, glorious, food o/~

Well, last night I had my support group. When it was all over I explained my difficulty with protein suppliments to the nurse. She told me to EAT!! Woohoo!! So, last night I came home and had cream of broccoli soup. It went down just fine...although even that was too sweet. Today I'll pull out some more soups and munch on them and see how it goes. I still have to get my protein in which means I still have to suppliment somehow...she gave me some protein shooters to try (they look like koolaid in giant test tubes). I tried a red one last week and it was like cough syrup mixed with koolaid. We'll see how these two taste...I'm just glad to be able to move away from protein shakes. Even if I have to sip soup 6 times a day to get my protein in, it's better than gagging down shakes!

Don't take this the wrong way...not everyone has this reaction, and lap-band people generally don't because their physiology doesn't really change. But sometimes...a lot of times...bypass patients have reactions to food different from what they had before surgery. Part of that has to do with the intestinal rerouting. Since they hack of the part that deals with sweats, sweat foods suddenly become VERY sweat. Right now I'm liking foods that are closer to bland or even a little salty. Sugar has no pull for me whatsoever. When I have cravings they're for hamburgers and french fries, not cake and ice cream.

Water is still an iffy subject for me. I'm finally drinking it plain, but it's not a pleasurable experience by any stretch. However, I know I have to keep myself hydrated and I don't like sweatened ice tea or lemonade or plain iced tea or juice (well prune just is ok, but that's got a lot of calories) or just about anything else (I still like chicken broth, but I'm becoming overrun with boiled breasts, so I've cut myself off of that one). So...I'm trying to slowly, sip by sip, choke down my 64 oz of good old fashioned H2O each day.

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