Thursday, July 23, 2009

Has the time finally come?

Well, folks, I did it! I actually drank a whole protein shake! WOOHOO!! So far, I don't feel queasy or nauseaus (Ok, I never promised I could spell) or anything else. If all goes well, for lunch I'll be adding protein to my soup. WOW! :) Hey...this is a big deal. I'm supposed to be taking in 60-80 grams of protein a day to keep my hear from falling out and get my wounds to heal and loose weight (yes, friends, if you don't eat enough, you can actually prevent yourselves from loosing weight. Take it from a fat person. We know everything). To this point, I'd been taking in 5 grams at the most.

That's all the exciting news I have for the moment. I have developed a new pain in my abdomon, but, according to the nurse, that's because I need a little milk of magnesia. Good thing I'm headed to the grocery store this afternoon!

I'll keep you posted on my protein journey...

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