Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday...Saturday...., for some reason, I have Elton John in my head, but I don't really feel like fighting (according to the song, that is what Saturday night is alright for).

It's Saturday morning (NO promises that I'll be writing every day, but, hey, it's a new toy. Just like Christmas I have to play with it till I break it at least, right?). Pain is still there..par for the course, I suppose. I'm also having VERY strange dreams. I guess that's from the pain meds. Mostly not good people stealing my car, or putting their brains inside cats so they can chase me without them knowing (what can I say? I seem to have a vivid subconscious imagination). Although, last night I also dreamed the Macy's was having a GREAT sale and I almost bought a $240.00 rug for 9 bucks. Can't really beat that, right?

I'm also feeling a little nausea this morning. Not toooo bad, but I guess it's time to start looking at the suppositories (can we say FUN???).

And clothes? FORGETTABOUTIT!! I don't want to wear anything with a waisteband 'cause it HURTS! Ok...time to go drink my 3 ounces of water.

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